Deadline Approaching to File for Potential Ohio BWC Refund
Due to the San Allen Inc. vs. Ohio BWC settlement there are 300,000 employers in the State of Ohio entitled to a refund from the Bureau of Workers Compensation. The settlement includes employers who, in one or more policy years from 2001-2008 subscribed to the state workers compensation fund, were non-group rated and reported payroll and paid premiums in a manual classification for which the non-group effective base rate was “inflated” due to the application of the group experience rating plan.
Class members are required to file a claim form as a precondition to be considered to receive a payment from the Settlement Fund. Eligible employers should have received a claim form in the mail by now if they were identified in the lawsuit based on the criteria mentioned above.
The deadline for filing a claim is Wednesday, October 22, 2014.
Contact Holbrook & Manter today with any questions or for assistance. More information can be found at this web address: