A Valuation Can Strengthen Your Buy-Sell Agreement A solid buy-sell agreement can help closely held businesses avoid disruptions when a shareholder leaves the business. Arguably, the most… More on this story
Self-Employment Taxes & Spouse-Owned Businesses If you own a profitable, unincorporated business with your spouse, you probably find the high self-employment (SE) tax bills burdensome…. More on this story
Thousands of Ohio BWC rebate checks remain uncashed & are set to expire Deadlines for Ohio employers to cash rebate checks issued by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation are fast approaching. October… More on this story
The dangers of waiting to ask your accountant that important question By: Linda Lehman, Senior Assistant Accountant Your business is constantly evolving; and with that comes changes to business practices, along… More on this story
ESOPs Present Tax and Other Benefits Wouldn’t it be great if your employees worked as if they owned the company? An employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)… More on this story
Ohio Residency Changes for Tax Purposes By: David J. Herbe Jr., CPA, MAcc- Tax Manager The state of Ohio has issued an information release in regards… More on this story
Changes to the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction A home is the most valuable asset many people own. So, it’s important to remain aware of the tax impact… More on this story
Should you Adjust your Estimated Tax Payments? Bryan Davidson, CPA- Tax Manager Have you switched jobs in the past year? Did you start a business? Do you… More on this story
Is it time to take a second look at the cash method for income tax purposes? By: Dave Herbe, CPA, MAcc- Tax Manager The new tax law has changed the tax landscape significantly. There are changes… More on this story
TCJA draws a silver lining around the individual AMT The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) didn’t eliminate the individual alternative minimum tax (AMT). But the law did draw… More on this story