Beyond Just Filing Returns: Tax Consideration for Pro Athletes Important Financial Matters Professional Athletes Should Discuss Regularly By: Justin Linscott, Principal, CPA, CFP®, CGMA, CITP, NFLPA Registered Player Financial… More on this story
Tax Deadlines for Q4 of 2020 The fourth quarter of 2020 is upon us. Make sure these important tax deadlines are listed on your calendar. If… More on this story
Multistate Tax Issues: Evolving State Standards Require Careful Attention One consequence of the long-term shift toward a service-based economy is a change in how states determine the corporate income… More on this story
Payroll tax deferral now in effect Today marks the first day that employees could choose to take advantage of the payroll tax deferral that is a… More on this story
The AMT: Still a concern for some taxpayers For many years, the alternative minimum tax (AMT) posed a risk to many taxpayers in the middle- to upper-income brackets…. More on this story
President Trump Proposes Payroll Tax Holiday Congress remains undecided on what the next COVID-19 stimulus package might look like. While negotiations continue, President Donald Trump has… More on this story
Ohio’s Annual Sales Tax Holiday Set for August 7-9 It is that time of year again… the Ohio Sales Tax Holiday is upon us. Plan to take advantage of… More on this story
Recordkeeping Challenges for PPP Loan Recipients The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) has helped millions of businesses cope with the consequences of the COVID-19 shutdown. But, like… More on this story
PPP Loans & Tax Deductions Tax planning and tax compliance are going to be more important than ever for any business owner continuing to weather… More on this story
Retroactive Tax Relief for COVID-19 Losses While stimulus checks and forgivable loans have received a lot of attention during the COVID-19 shutdown, businesses should not overlook… More on this story