Should you Digitize your Tax and Financial Records? Up until recently, important tax and financial records were just always stored as hardcopies in desk drawers, filing cabinets and… More on this story
Keeping up with the Net Operating Loss Rules When a trade or business’s deductible expenses exceed its income, a net operating loss (NOL) generally occurs. When filing your… More on this story
H&M Wins Association for Accounting Marketing Achievement Award FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Association for Accounting Marketing (AAM) has recognized the rebrand rolled out by Holbrook & Manter with… More on this story
Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act Earlier this week, the Senate passed the House bill to extend the time for PPP loan recipients to spend the… More on this story
Ohio BWC defers business premiums for a second time due to COVID-19 The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) agency announced a second deferral of premium installment payments. BWC is now allowing… More on this story
PPP Loan Forgiveness Application: Costs Eligible for Forgiveness Each week we will provide a detailed explanation of computations included on the SBA prepared PPP loan forgiveness application. In… More on this story
PPP Loan Forgiveness Application: Covered Period Each week we will provide a detailed explanation of computations included on the SBA prepared PPP loan forgiveness application. In… More on this story
PPP Loan Forgiveness Application: Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Employee Calculation Each week we will provide a detailed explanation of computations included on the SBA prepared PPP loan forgiveness application. This… More on this story
SBA Loan Application Released The Small Business Administration (SBA), along with the Department of Treasury, has released the application to request forgiveness of the… More on this story
Employee Retention Tax Credit Information As part of the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, your company may be eligible for the employee… More on this story